Ghosts of the Void / Jason Miller, Dir / 2021 Speakeasy Productions
Super Host / Andy Koeger, Dir. (short), 2021 Cool Adults
Hunter's Creed / Justin Jackola, Dir. / 2020 / Jjack Productions
To Pray / Martin Rodahl, Dir / 2019 / Picture North
Deep Woods / Steve Laughlin, Dir. / 2019 / Belle City Pictures
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (local casting) / Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Dir / 2018
Kill The Light / Mark Shimmel, Dir. / 2017
The Shepherd / Dallas Jenkins, Dir. / 2017
Untruth / Mark Schimmel, Dir. / 2016
Bad Alex / Brian Fox, Dir. / 2015
Kanzler / Frank Donnangelo, Dir. / 2015
Uncle John / Steven Piet, Dir / 2015 (*SXSW 2015 Premiere)
Bride of Frankie / Devi Snively, Dir. / 2015
Once We Were Slaves / Dallas Jenkins, Dir. / 2015
Happy Hour / Martin Rodahl, Dir / 2014
Animals / Collin Schiffli, Dir / 2013 (*SXSW 2014 /Award winning Feature) / 2013
The Two Thieves / Dallas Jenkins, Dir. / 2014
Just Like a Woman / Rachid Bouchareb, Dir / 2012
The Drunk / Paul Fleschner & William Tanoos, Dir. / 2011
Unsettled / Joselito Selderam, Dir / 2011
Life Lessons / Maria Finitzio, Dir / 2010
Taking Flight / Bethany Lape, Dir / 2009
Carpe Millenium / Eric Bednarowicz, Dir. / 2009
Holiday Baggage / Stephen Polk, Dir / Baggage LLC, 2008
The Booby Trap / Simon Pennekamp, Dir / 2008
The Professional Interview / Annie Price, Dir / A Little Loud, 2007
Sugar / Alex Beh, Dir / Black House Productions, 2007
Witches' Night / Paul Traynor, Dir / Hay Moon Inc., 2006
Bodega / Brian Billow, Dir / Buttermaker Productions, 2006
5/25/77 / Patrick Johnson, Dir / Moonwatcher Films, 2004
Lifelike / John Besmer, Dir / Double Dutch, 2004
The Trouble with Dee Dee / Mike Meiners, Dir / Cinemetro Films in Assoc. w/ Purple Rose Films, 2004
Openminds / Joe Sedelmaier, Dir / Sedelmaier Film Prod. (*2003 Sundance Film Festival, 2003)
Versus / Munier Sharrieff, Dir / Carpe Diem Films, 2002
Johnny Dodgeball / D.P. Carlson, Dir / Film Foetus, 2001
The Secret / Melinda Roenisch, Dir, 2000
Under the Bus / Ashby Richardson IV, Dir / Atom Bomb Productions, 1999
Postmortem / Keith Estrada, Dir / Brand X Films, 1998
Mugz / Peter Quigley, Dir, 1999
With a Family Like Mine / Keith Estrada, Dir / Brand X Films, 1998
I Do / Joe Scudiero, Dir / Cuz Films, 1999
Cold Night Into Dawn / Serge Rodnunsky, Dir, 1997
Brady Bunch / Betty Thomas, Dir / Paramount Pictures, 1995 (local casting)